What’s in the name, or campus tips on guys

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You’ve been waiting, and now this day is here. It’s your first year in college, so we are obliged to keep you informed on the greatest representatives of the student community.

The unknown hero

You hear about this guy all the time. He’s been a part of all the insane things college is usually associated with, but frankly, there is something bothering you. He is nowhere to be found, a ghost in the sheets. Like, your friend comes over to share the story of this boy’s rise to fame and every girl in your dorm would love to have him as an arm candy, but he is more of a collective image, than a real man.

The smarty

He sits behind you in class and you’ve got an impression this guy knows everything. Really, he is the only one who can keep calm during an exam session. He is the looker with the brains, and probably just as popular as the previous one, but you have a cherry on top here: he will most likely be your life saver in the next test. What a bro!


The best friend

He will take part in every social on schedule and you can always count on him if you have to carry bags and suitcases alone. He will meet you in the airports, give you a ride to campus and generally be the most benevolent and mild-mannered guy on the planet. Sure, you will get annoyed at him sometimes for being way too perfect, but who of us would refuse to have a friend you can call in the middle of the night and share your secrets with?

The stereotypical frat guy

He is the American dream come true. He wears preppy clothes and pink and it doesn’t look weird on him, and he knows the frat rules of his community better than others. Or, he even may be the head of a Kappa Zeta Delta house. You can tell by the way he walks and talks his ancestors were the ones who brought tea to Boston (and not the other way round), but you still love his flawless hair and personality.

The muscle machine

If you can’t find this guy on campus, he is probably in the gym. Unable to have conversations about anything rather than sports, he may be a nice person and still carry your bags on demand. Wholeheartedly devoted to athletics, the meathead will always give you tips on protein cocktails and workouts, and help you around when you need a lift. Otherwise, they are married to their hobby, and can hardly find time for anything else.


The invisible man

He is around, but you can’t say you know him. He is a secret you would like to reveal, but he just kind of hovers in the middle, never really sticking to any group or frat party. He is the man who makes people wonder what he is thinking, but honestly, there is just something odd about him – like he’s not quite there all the time.

The mean guy

He is really attractive, but that’s about all. He irritates people on a daily basis and generally behaves like a pompous schmuck. We’d say you stay away from this type of guy, but we are also somehow curious: what is he going to do next? The mean guy is usually a head of the student organization or fraternity and has loyal supporters that will follow him around. Not the best man to mess with.


Mr. Popular

He is always around to attract your attention and he can’t live without having his fair amount of smiles. Believe it or not, he is actually acknowledging your new Nikes and won’t mind helping you with your homework, so you can rely on him like he is your bestie. He doesn’t rest on his laurels either, donating, socializing and passing a hat whenever he can.