Impressing TED Talks to Change Your Way of Thinking

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Do you want to learn about something new, listen to an interesting story or want to become motivated? There is no better way to find that all, than to listen to one of TED talks. Abbreviation TED means Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and speakers of this platform share ideas that are worth spreading.

Today, we want to let you know about best of them, which will make you see the world differently.

Jill Bolte Tailor and “A Stroke of Insight”

This woman dedicated her life to the research of psychiatry and schizophrenia. One day she had a stroke and instead of being depressed, she decided to study her own brain. Listen to how it was in this moving talk.

Brene Brawn and “The Power of Vulnerability”

Are you vulnerable and consider it to be a flaw? Listen to this professional speech and learn that vulnerable people are happier and feel that they deserve love.

Elizabeth Gilbert and “You Elusive Creative Genious”

It is considered that creative people are suffering from their talents. If you believe this is true, listen to this TED talk, which aims to shift the perception of creative genius by other people.

Meg Jay and “Why 30 is not New 20”

Meg tries to prove that our 20s are the most important period of our life to decide upon career and family matters. Statistics shows that it is not right to postpone these aspects, as they are essential for the formation of the rest of our lives.


Amy Cuddy and “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are”

There are a lot of research works about the impact of body language on others. However, TED speaker will tell you about the influence of our body language on ourselves, and our perception of the world.

Dan Pink and “The Puzzle of Motivation”

This TED speaker dwells upon the influence of the rewards and punishments at the workplace. The results are surprising. He also tells about the most effective methods to make the working process more productive.

Nilofer Merchant and “Got a Meeting? Thake a Walk”

This person proves that sitting for about 9 hours is the biggest problem of our generation. It is even worse than smoking. She suggests to arrange meetings on fresh air and take advantage of high productivity and health benefits.

Ken Robbinson and “Schools Kill Creativity”

This fun talk will not only make you laugh but also it will encourage you to think about pitfalls of our system of education, which kills the creativity of our children, and we should change the way we put marks and check the homework.

Elon Musk and “The Mind Behind Tesla, SpaceX and Solar City”

He tells people about the innovative ways to use great inventions of Tesla. We also learn whether solar energy is necessary for the future, and importance of the sustainable energy.

Simon Sinek and “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”

This speaker believes that it is possible to persuade other people if you are confident in yourself, Thus, he discusses the issue of how some of the leaders inspired people to spring into actions.

Sheryl Sandberg and “Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders”

This woman tells about the reasons why women rarely are in charge of a business. She dwells upon difference on women and men in the workplace and gives useful advice about the ways of moving higher on the career ladder.


Andrew Solomon and “Love, No Matter What”

This TED talk is about the effect of different illnesses on identities, and how people want to be, as they are.

Bryan Stevenson and “We Need to Talk About an Injustice”

This person speaks about the problems of our society and how they lead to injustice. He suggests solutions for making our social experience better.

Rita Pierson and Every Kid Needs a Champion

It is extremely motivating talk in which we learn that every kid needs to feel the support of his family, somebody who will love him no matter what.

Hope you enjoyed this article review and learned something new and useful for yourself.