Accredited online colleges in California

The California Community Colleges Online Education Initiative offers a unique opportunity to complete higher education, participating in various online courses. The state`s enrollment rates will definitely increase due to these well-developed online education standards.

It is very convenient for the majority of students to attain their degrees in such way because of the fulltime jobs they can have. Let`s take a look at the most popular online universities in California.

University of San Francisco

This university offers its students four online master`s programs: the Master of Science in Nursing, Master of Public Health, Master of Public Administration, and Master of Science in Healthcare Simulation. You can easily enroll into the desired online program during spring, summer, and fall semesters. Students can take advantage of the center, Gleeson Library, academic and psychological counseling services, and career advising.

California State University – Fullerton

The department of professional development and extended education of CSUF offers its students the online degree-completion certificates, programs, and professional learning coursework. Here you can complete a degree in Sociology or Business Administration. Moreover, it is one of the best online colleges in California for its specialized technology certificates in Python, C++programming, and Java.

Brandman University

Brandman University is one of the best online colleges due to its affordable tuition prices and year-round enrollment possibilities. It offers a great variety of online degree programs. You can easily access the courses through the Blackboard platform. You can choose among the various specializations such as marketing, education and nursing, arts and sciences, professional studies or early childhood education. Here you can participate in different online communities and various social media accounts.

University of La Verne

The University of La Verne offers its students BA, BS, and MS degrees in public administration, business, child development, and management. You can access your online courses through Blackboard. Students can take advantage of academic counseling, library database access, financial aid, and convenient student payment scheduling.

California State University – East Bay

This university is dedicated to improve the online learning experience. Its online programs include bachelor`s programs in tourism, recreation, hospitality, education, business, and healthcare administration. Moreover, you can get a master`s in tourism and recreation. Students can easily access their courses through Blackboard. They are also supported with career counseling, academic advising, and tech assistance.

National University

National University is considered to be one of the best in California for degree options in critical professional areas and extensive military training. Here you can get a master`s in professional screenwriting, a certificate in autism education, and a bachelor`s in digital media design. It also provides the Student Academic Success Center with its tutoring services, writing center, and career counseling.

Hope International University

This university provides its students with high quality virtual learning experience. You can get a degree in education, Christian ministry and Biblical studies, arts and sciences, psychology and counseling, and business and management. Both undergraduate and graduate students can sign up for the online course. Moreover, it provides online learning programs not only to Californian students, but also to students across the US and foreign students.

 California State University – San Bernardino

The College of Extended Learning of Cal State-San Bernardino offers an MBA, a BA in criminal justice degree-completion program, and MA degrees in education. It also provides the specialized credentials in technology, business, and TESOL. Students have the opportunity to take Education Software courses, which are written by the top qualified educators. You can easily access your courses through Blackboard. The academic resources for distant learning consist of interactive calendars, career counseling services, bookstore access, and electronic library.

California State University – Northridge

This university is considered to be one of the best online colleges in California due to its various online degrees and professional certificates. Students can be certificated in social work, speech-language pathology, engineering, humanities, public administration, and industrial management.  You have the wonderful opportunity to choose among 1000 online courses during your summer term and complete them successfully in the accelerated format.